You know, when I was coming to Canada I wasn't sad that I was leaving all my life behind, after all, I was going to build a new life free of my miserable past. Coming from one stinking small village that no one's ever heard of not even people of my own fucking country, and living in one of the biggest countries in the world. Starting a new life, learning new things, making new friends, as if you're borne again. I remember the day I went to say goodbye to my family and friends. I was forgetting their names already. My grandma was the last one I said goodbye to. She was this old blind witch that nobody could stand. My mom used to bring her food every day but then she reduced her visits to only once a week to fill her fridge with food and clean her house. To me it seemed like she just goes there to make sure whether she's dead or alive. It's funny how I still remember her. I even couldn't remember my best friend's name or face. I mean last year I was walking down this street, somebody called my name. I turned back to see this giant black guy jumping on me. I swear to God I almost killed him with my knife but he turned out to be my best friend back home. I mean he told me so, I couldn't even remember his name. But I guess I will always remember the witch. sitting there in front of her house all day looking at the sky, as if she's waiting for something or somebody to fall down the sky. As soon as she sensed someones presence she would start nagging and swearing. When I went to her house it was almost dinner time. She was inside, sitting on her old chair, folding her laundry and you know what?! She knew it was me! I mean I'd never gone to visit her before but she knew me. She pointed to her closet and told me to open it and take this tin box out. I gave it to her and she opened it and gave me a 100$ bill. She gave it to me and said: " keep it close to your money all the time and never spend it. It'll bring you luck." I was so happy I didn't know what to say. Before I could find the words to say, she told me to leave and turn the lights off on my way out. I never told anyone about it and I kept the money. Let me show it to you. Yea! that's right. It's exactly the one my grandma gave me and you know what the first year I was here I wanted to spend it in a bar but the guy told me it's a fake. I was pissed off for a while but what the hell ... at least I still remember the old hag.